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Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

Updated at 08/02/2024


Who We Are:
Credlocity Business Group LLC, DBA Credlocity and/or Credlocity Credit Repair (“Credlocity,” “we,” “our,” or “us”)
Corporate Address:
1500 Chestnut St Suite 2
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(267) 225-4198
[Insert Email Address]


What Personal Information Do We Collect?
We collect personal information to provide you with our credit repair services and to enhance our website and marketing efforts. This includes:

Phone number
Social Security number
Financial information

How Do We Collect Your Information?
We collect your personal data through:

Social media interactions
Sharable forms linked via email or social media
Online forms on our websites
Reasons We Can Share Your Personal Information

Why Do We Share Your Information?
We share your personal data for the following reasons:

To manage client information using a third-party CRM system
To send dispute letters and related correspondence via USPS or other mail carriers
To comply with legal and regulatory requirements
Can You Limit This Sharing?
You have the right to limit certain types of sharing of your personal information. To understand more about how you can limit sharing, please contact us directly.

Does Credlocity Share?
Yes, we share your information with:

A third-party CRM system for client management
USPS or other mail carriers for mailing dispute letters
To Limit Our Sharing

How Can You Limit Our Sharing?
To limit our sharing of your personal information, please contact us directly at:
(267) 225-4198
1500 Chestnut St Suite 2
Philadelphia, PA 19102


How Can You Contact Us?
If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice or our data practices, please reach out to us using the contact details provided above.

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