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Legal Triumph: How Credlocity and The Fix Car Care Clinic Defended Against a Frivolous Lawsuit

Rita Thorn v. The Fix Car Care Clinic with credlocity help The Fix Car Care Clinic WINS
Rita Thorn v. The Fix Car Care Clinic

In the often challenging realm of small business operations, protecting one’s reputation and defending against frivolous lawsuits is paramount. The recent case involving The Fix Car Care Clinic, spearheaded by Credlocity, serves as an instructive example of how strategic legal defense can ensure justice and maintain business integrity. This blog delves into the intricate details of the case, lessons learned, and the broader implications for small businesses facing similar challenges.

Case Overview: Rita Thorn v. The Fix Car Care Clinic

The legal saga began on June 2, 2023, when Rita Thorn filed a lawsuit against The Fix Car Care Clinic LLC and its owners. Thorn alleged that the clinic denied her consumer rights, refused to issue a refund, jeopardized her safety, and caused pain and suffering related to the work performed on her vehicle.

Key players in this case include:

  • Joeziel Vazquez: CEO of Credlocity, who led the defense for The Fix Car Care Clinic.

  • The Fix Car Care Clinic LLC

  • Rita Thorn frivolous lawsuit plaintiff

  • Attorney GRANT P BLOOMDAHL: Provided legal support for the clinic.

  • Attorney LOUIS S SCHWARTZ: Represented Rita Thorn.

Initial Defense and Motion to Dismiss

Upon receiving the complaint, Credlocity quickly mobilized its resources to defend The Fix Car Care Clinic. On July 27, 2023, Joeziel Vazquez filed a motion to dismiss the complaint, citing its frivolous nature. The court reviewed the motion and, on August 28, 2023, dismissed the case, allowing Thorn to amend her complaint within 30 days.

Despite the dismissal, Thorn proceeded to file an amended complaint. However, this was accompanied by a procedural oversight: Thorn submitted a false affidavit of service, claiming she had served the defendants when, in reality, she had not. Based on this fraudulent service, Thorn was granted a default judgment.

Reinstating Due Process: The Motion to Open and Strike Default Judgment

Upon discovering the default judgment, Joeziel Vazquez and the clinic owners acted promptly. They visited the courthouse, obtained a copy of the docket, and filed a motion to open and strike the default judgment. Vazquez presented a compelling argument, emphasizing the fundamental principles of due process: "Your honor, the cornerstone of due process requires 'actual notice,' and the plaintiff failed to provide that."

Judge Anne Marie B. Coyle agreed with Vazquez's argument and, on March 6, 2024, granted the motion to open and strike the judgment. The court's order mandated that the defendants file a response to Thorn's complaint within 20 days, ensuring they had the opportunity to defend themselves fully.

Arbitration Hearing: Unveiling Legal Incompetence and Dishonesty

The case eventually proceeded to a forced arbitration hearing. Attorney LOUIS S SCHWARTZ represented Thorn, but his performance was notably deficient. Schwartz struggled to present coherent legal arguments and attempted to use Joeziel Vazquez's criminal history against him, an effort that backfired when Vazquez successfully had this evidence excluded. Throughout the hearing, Vazquez’s legal acumen and strategic defense consistently outshone Schwartz's efforts, leading to a favorable outcome for The Fix Car Care Clinic.

Lessons Learned: Legal Defense and Business Reputation

The Fix Car Care Clinic

This case offers several critical lessons for small businesses:

  1. Importance of Due Process: Ensuring proper service of legal documents is essential for upholding due process. Failure to do so can invalidate court proceedings and judgments, as demonstrated in this case.

  2. Impact of Frivolous Lawsuits: Baseless legal actions can significantly harm a business's reputation and operations. It is crucial to defend against such lawsuits diligently to maintain credibility and trust.

  3. Effective Legal Representation: Having a strong legal team, as exemplified by Credlocity and Attorney GRANT P BLOOMDAHL, is vital in navigating complex legal challenges.

  4. Risks of Dishonesty: Rita Thorn's contradictory statements and false affidavit highlight the dangers of dishonesty in legal proceedings. Her actions not only jeopardized her case but also cast doubt on her credibility, impacting her professional reputation.

Community Implications: Credibility Concerns for Rita Thorn

Rita Thorn’s actions in this case raise serious concerns about her credibility, particularly in her professional role at the Community Academy of Philadelphia. Given her record of dishonesty in court, it is prudent for the academy to double-check any reports or claims made by Thorn to ensure their accuracy and integrity.


Rita Thorn Smiling with books behind her
Rita Thorn

Conclusion: A Victory for Justice and Business Integrity

The case of The Fix Car Care Clinic v. Rita Thorn underscores the importance of robust legal defense, adherence to due process, and the impact of frivolous lawsuits on business reputation. Credlocity's unwavering support and strategic legal actions were instrumental in securing justice for The Fix Car Care Clinic. This case serves as a powerful reminder of the value of integrity, diligence, and effective legal representation in protecting business interests.

For more detailed insights and updates on similar cases, visit our Lawsuit Announcement Page and read the full breakdown of the case at Rita Thorn v. The Fix Car Care Clinic.

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State Attorneys General

Many states also have laws regulating credit repair companies. If you have a problem with a credit repair company, report it to your local consumer affairs office or to your state Attorney General (AG).

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You also can file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. Although the FTC can't resolve individual credit disputes, it can take action against a company if there's a pattern of possible law violations. File your complaint online at or call 1-877-FTC-HELP.

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Credlocity Business Group LLC is the parent company of Credlocity formerly known as Ficostar Credit Services and is in no way affiliated with FICO © 2020 Fair Isaac Corporation. FICO is a company that offers a credit scoring model called the FICO® Score. FICO score is a type of credit score created by the Fair Isaac Corporation. Lenders use borrowers' FICO scores along with other details on borrowers' credit reports to assess credit risk and determine whether to extend credit.


We are a credit repair company. You have the right to dispute anything on your credit report yourself. This right is outlined in The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) which promotes the accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information in the files of consumer reporting agencies.

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