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Lawsuit Press Release

Pendolino V. LCI A.K.A G2 Risk Solutions

Our client, Anthony Pendolino, has filed a lawsuit against LCI, also known as G2 Risk Solutions, for violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). LCI inaccurately reported a bankruptcy to TransUnion, causing significant harm to Mr. Pendolino's credit profile. Despite repeated requests, LCI has failed to properly verify the bankruptcy as required by the FCRA, leading to ongoing financial and reputational damage for our client. This lawsuit seeks to hold LCI accountable for their negligent practices and ensure compliance with federal credit reporting laws.

Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas



Date Filed:

July 26, 2024 at 4:00:00 PM


Affidavit of Service Filed

Docket Link:

Case Number/Case ID:


Thorn v. The Fix Car Care Clinic


On June 2, 2023, Rita Thorn initiated a lawsuit against The Fix Car Care Clinic LLC, Joel Vazquez, and Jonathan Vazquez, alleging that the defendants denied her consumer rights, refused a refund, jeopardized her safety, and caused pain and suffering regarding work performed on her car. The lawsuit was served on June 26, 2023.

Credlocity’s Defense:

On July 27, 2023, Credlocity CEO Joeziel Vazquez filed a motion to dismiss on behalf of The Fix Car Care Clinic. The court granted this motion on August 28, 2023, allowing Thorn 30 days to amend her complaint.

Thorn filed an amended complaint but failed to properly serve The Fix Car Care Clinic, submitting a false affidavit of service. This led to a default judgment being entered against the clinic. Upon learning of the default judgment, Joeziel Vazquez and the clinic owners obtained the docket and immediately filed a motion to open and strike the default judgment.

Key Legal Argument:

Joeziel Vazquez presented a compelling argument to the court:
"Your honor, the cornerstone of due process requires 'actual notice,' and the plaintiff failed to provide that."

Judge Anne Marie B. Coyle agreed and granted the motion to open and strike the default judgment on March 6, 2024. The court ordered the defendants to file a response to the plaintiff’s complaint within 20 days.

Arbitration Hearing:

The case proceeded to a forced arbitration hearing, where attorney LOUIS S SCHWARTZ, representing the plaintiff, demonstrated a lack of understanding of court rules and legal precedent. Despite his attempts to use Joeziel's criminal history against him, Joeziel successfully excluded it from the proceedings, highlighting Schwartz's incompetence.


Throughout the legal process, Rita Thorn's credibility was undermined by her inconsistent testimonies in different courts. Her contradictory statements and the false affidavit of service damaged her case, ultimately leading to a favorable outcome for The Fix Car Care Clinic.

The Fix Car Care Clinic, with the support of Credlocity and CEO Joeziel Vazquez, successfully defended against a frivolous lawsuit. This case underscores the importance of tenacity, legal acumen, and integrity in protecting business operations and reputations.

Court of Common Pleas


Libel, Reputation, Business lawsuit, Prose

Date Filed:

June 2, 2023 at 4:00:00 PM



Docket Link:

Case Number/Case ID:



Case Overview: US BANK NA v. Cristian Eliezel Vazquez-Cardona
US BANK NA has filed a lawsuit against Cristian Eliezel Vazquez-Cardona seeking to recover $8,941.11 in unpaid taxes from 1977 to 1996 under the Municipal Claims and Tax Lien Act (MCTLA). However, the validity of the claimed lien is in question due to several key legal issues.

Key Issues
Statutory Non-Compliance: The Plaintiff failed to perfect the liens as required by 53 P.S. § 7193, rendering the claim invalid.

Case Law Precedent: In Keller v. Scranton City Treasurer, it was ruled that liens cannot reattach to a property after an intervening purchaser. The property has had multiple owners since 1977, which supports this defense.

Notification Failures: The Plaintiff did not serve the required written notice of intention to file the claim, violating 53 P.S. § 7142.

Procedural Errors: The Plaintiff did not comply with the filing requirements of 53 P.S. §§ 7143 and 7144, including necessary details and proper signatures.

Motion to Dismiss
Mr. Vazquez has filed a Motion to Dismiss and/or Strike the Lien based on these statutory and procedural violations. This case underscores the importance of following proper legal procedures in the enforcement of tax liens.

For more updates, please visit our website regularly.

Pennsylvania Court Of Common Pleas



Date Filed:

December 22, 2023 at 5:00:00 AM


Scheduled for Motion To Dismiss

Docket Link:

Case Number/Case ID:


Vazquez v. Kia Finance America

Lawsuit Announcement: Joeziel Vazquez-Davila vs. Kia Finance America
Credlocity is proud to support Joeziel Vazquez-Davila in his lawsuit against Kia Finance America. This case addresses Kia Finance's failure to comply with the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA). Despite repeated requests, Kia Finance has failed to send regular billing statements to Mr. Vazquez-Davila, leading to late payments and the unjust repossession of his vehicle.

Joeziel Vazquez-Davila seeks justice and compensation for the financial and emotional distress caused by these violations. The lawsuit demands the correction of his credit reports, removal of unfair late fees, and appropriate damages. This legal action underscores the importance of adhering to federal billing regulations and protecting consumer rights.

Stay updated on this case and learn more about your rights under TILA and FCBA by visiting our Credlocity Blog.

Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas


FCBA, Fair Credit Billing Act

Date Filed:

July 29, 2024 at 4:00:00 PM



Docket Link:

Case Number/Case ID:


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